
Monthly Archives: December 2012

Hello, first of all thanks for coming to cashtowns scam warning website. I’ve decided to build this blog to inform future internet users of the scam actions that administration of AnnoLabs (the team that manages this game) is doing towards his players (that invested some real euros in the game). Basically this Admin isn’t the traditional admin that gets the money and run, because he is cleaver! He changes rules so the biggest percentage of the money rolling in the game goes to his pockets, making severe damages to most of game players and investors. So by not “running with the money” new players appear and invest, tempted by his cheap-talk. Its working as a cycle where admin is scamming and no-one is calling him scam. Open your eyes!

Cashtowns launched in alpha tests in the end of Summer 2012, and many players invested in it and were happy with the game development. But, as normal from the admin of AnnoLabs, everything changed, and now admin is just thinking in his own profit. Basically the game is now made in a way where without investment you don’t play it. Even with a perfect play time and great skills (which would be the most required in a Strategy game) after 1 month your town will basically collapse due to new admin rules of “Citizens Die” and “Buildings Damage and degrade”.


Also if you’re considering to invest in cashtowns, i’d advise you to think again about it. In the previous game of this Admin, Anno1777, many players got severely damaged because of “Change of Rules” of the admin.